Thick Lustrous Oatmeal (November 2008)

Hey Dr. Gork!

In these hard economic times I am trying to cut back some to save money and have decided an oatmeal diet is the way to go. Cheap, nutritious . . . but not too tasty. What can I add to zestify my evening bowl? Tonight I tried oregano, olive oil and parmesan cheese with less than zestupendous results. Any thoughts?

-Will Bjork

DeWitt, IA


That's a tough one. Oatmeal is definitely the right choice for somebody trying to cut back on their grosh bills, but most of the good fixins for oatmeal are costly by themselves. In doing some research, I found a great cookbook by Omar Juff called "A Thrifter's Guide to DIY Oatmeal Spice." I recommend you check this book out for yourself, but here a few things Omar suggests: Cat syrup, Fig Newtons, Mt. Dew (diet), pumpkin slop, and (of course) Goat Sauce. Those should definitely get you started on the road to cheap, delicious oatmeal. I'm getting hungry just writing about it...
